Sunday 3 November 2013

Orphan Sunday

Today is Orphan Sunday.

I don't know if this makes me happy or sad. I am really glad that all the children who do not have the love of a family have a day so that we can raise awareness and help them find homes.

But I am also sad because there are so many children around the world who are without; without the love that a mum or dad (or both) can give.

I know that when I have finished my degree/s (I might do a masters) I will do something that can help these "lost children".

I really want to adopt (preferably a bunch of crazy boys :) ) I also know that God has a plan for me. I don't know where He is leading me but I do know that He has put love for these children in my heart.

Here are a couple of websites that I look at. The first is a site designed for adoption awareness, they strive to find families for the children posted on their site and then raise money to help them bring their children home. They are not an adoption agency, rather they direct the people who inquire about a child listed to the agency who has that child's file.

Kiwi Boy

The second is a blog from a website. What these people do is help to care for some of China's orphans.

It is my hope that today you will spread the word of these children who wait all over the world and let others know that they can do something!

We can pray, adopt, raise money for, raise awareness of, sponsor, etc. these children.

May God bless you in your path of life.

Jelly Beans

Jelly Beans

1 comment:

  1. Jelly Beans, we have just become friends with an amazing family who three years ago adopted three girls (sisters) from Lithuania. It took them four years to get everything sorted before collecting the amazing young women. Now aged 9, 11 and 12 they are happy, well adjusted 'kiwi kids'.
