Friday 18 October 2013

The Sweet Fragrance of a Meadow Breeze

Today I gave my full testimony for the very first time. It was hard!
But God used it. He used it to show His glory. He used it to soften hearts and mend wounds of long ago.

One side of my story is about who God wants me to be.

It was many years ago that I asked God the question of who He wanted me to be and the reply I received was,  "The Sweet Fragrance of a Meadow Breeze."


I love nature, I love the creation God made to reveal His glory. I love the warm spring sunlight that seems to be carried on the gentle breeze. I love the sweet scent of wild flowers. I love the visual pleasure of an open meadow enclosed by tall protecting trees.

I could totally see what God was expecting me to be like. Beautiful.. Elegant... Warm... Soft... Joyful...
A true pleasure to be around.

I liked that! No room for self hatred there. Nor anger, frustration, or selfish demanding attitudes.

Yes Lord I wanted to be 'The Sweet Fragrance of a Meadow Breeze'!

But it didn't take long for my human self to break into this romantic picture. Due to life's experiences and selfish attitudes I was an angry young Mum with no patience at all. Most of the time I had 'The Stench of a Stagnant Rotting Swamp' about me.

Over the years God has worked with me and softened my raw rough edges. Nowadays I can tell which one I am acting like and can adjust my attitude. Sometimes!

Looking at my needs, my wants, my desires, produces the stench of that stagnant rotting swamp to waft through my life.

While looking at Jesus, His desire, His compassion, His love for others, produces the sweet fragrance of a meadow breeze to settle about me.

With Jesus is where I need to be. With Jesus is where I want to be!

What about you? Who does Jesus want you to be? 

With Christ's love, Mumzy.

1 comment:

  1. ooooh... I like this... definitely more sweet fragrance than stagnant rotting stench :-)
