Wednesday 16 October 2013

Kiwi Boy

Hello it's Kiwi Boy here. This post is for all those people who think homeschoolers are lonely. They are not! I have a very active social life. Every day I go to swim training with 13 others in my squad. I attend Youth Group once a week and get to hang out with my friends. Plus church on Sundays. And then a homeschoolers group on Fridays. I hardly have time to do my school work.


Hobbies include, building Airfix models, Lego, computer games, helping lead Sunday school for preschoolers, and swimming.

Optional activities include Nerf battles, snowball fights, and foiling satan's evil plans!

And occasionally this....                          at my friend's house.


 Time for swimming, enjoy your day!

Kiwi Boy


  1. Awesome Kiwi Boy! You make me smile :)

  2. Wow Kiwi Boy you have grown up so much since we last saw you. We know that home schoolers aren't lonely - make sure you squeeze in that homework though :-)
    How is your swimming going?
