Wednesday 29 January 2014

Answered Prayer

Before Christmas, when Papa Bear was last in New Zealand, I had to send my Passport down to have an official copy made of it for our adoptions.

Nothing unusual there. It took about 3 or 4 days to make the journey.

Our lawyer had the necessary notarised copies made and promptly put it back on a courier. Papa Bear had left the country by this time.

We tracked its travels for the first day or two and then nothing. The last we knew about the Passport it was still in New Zealand making its way to the Auckland Airport.

Week one... nothing.

Week two... nothing.

Week three... nothing.

Week four... nothing.

By this time I am imagining someone had stolen it and was making strange forged copies. Before I knew it I would be arrested for crimes in some far off country I had never dreamed about, never mind visited.

Week five... still nothing even though the Lawyer is making daily calls to the courier company.

No we didn't expect it over night. Just under a week. 
Finally after 39 days of wandering the universe it turned up in our mailbox through Canada Post. So much for signing on the dotted line to say that it had been delivered safely and to the correct person.

Praise be to God it was still sealed and in tact!

I had my Passport in my freezing cold little hand, dancing and skipping and freezing my way back to the  warm house.

 If my Passport had disappeared forever we would have needed to order a new one and then had all of the copies redone. Agghhh what a time waster that would of been!

Thank you Lord for answering our prayer!


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