Tuesday 31 December 2013

...And In With The New!

The plans we have for this new year are BIG!

We hope to expand our family by doubling the number of children we have through adoption. We are so close to having completed all of our paperwork so that we can seriously begin to look forward to meeting our new kids. That will still be months away but soon, very soon we may have a file of the children God intends for us to love unconditionally as our sons and daughters.

How exciting!!!

I hope your New Year is going off with as much of a bang as ours is. Lots of anticipation, and hope, and dreams to be realised.

May God bless you greatly this year!


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Years - wishing you all an exciting 2014, big adventures ahead for us all.
    It's hard to believe that we have now known you for 10 years - so many changes and so many memories.
