Friday, 27 February 2015

Big Changes!

Things have been tough over the last month as you may have noticed by the absence of any postings in February.

Finally we are feeling like a single family and not so much them and us. But with that comes the reality of being a family of nine.

Nine sets of clothing to be washed daily...

Nine sets of dishes to be washed three times daily...

Nine piles of discarded stuff everywhere each day...

Nine pairs of snow boots left dripping on the floor...

Nine tummies requiring endless supplies of food...

Nine bodies running in every which way...

Nine voices demanding attention...

Nine individuals seeking recognition...

Nine hearts crying out for love...

And I am exhausted!!! So here is my confession. I lost every last thread of my cool this month. I walked away from my newest babies and screamed "I QUIT!"

No, I will NEVER quit being their forever Mum, but I wanted to quit the endless mess this crazy family seems to call life. So I told Papa Bear to enrol all the little kids in school. I needed some space!

Due to circumstances we have only actually sent one to school.

Princess is sooo excited to be allowed to attend the local public school, "Thank you, Mummy, for loving me enough to let me go to school!"

Did I mention we are nine individuals...

With God's grace we can be ONE BIG FAMILY!!!


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