Thursday, 25 September 2014


This week we all managed to make our way to the dentist. Everyone was brave and opened their mouths wide on cue!

Apart from Princess who had to have a filling within days of coming home due to pain this was their first appointment.

Both Warrior and Princess had x-rays. Treasure's mouth was too small for the piece that goes in the mouth, and Buttons is just too small full stop.

After a good cleaning and polish it was deemed that Warrior and Princess have pretty good teeth requiring only a filling or two.

Buttons has awesome teeth not needing any further treatment at this time.

Unfortunately Treasure has a different story.

She has so many rotten, rotting, and rotted back teeth I don't know how she sleeps at night. She hardly ever complains about tooth ache but refuses to brush back there. I guess she still has some pain indicating they are not all dead yet.

There is evidence that something damaged her teeth enamel when they were developing around the age of two. Unfortunately she has to pay the price now.

We are waiting for a visit to the Pediatric Dentist. We don't know exactly what they may need to do to repair the damage. But at least now the process has been started.


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