Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 3

We have a new record. We got them all to sleep by 9:15pm. We were ready for bed by 6pm!

At the playground, (photo taken by oldest child).
We tried to go for a walk today but as soon as we left the apartment it started to rain and only got worse. So after walking halfway around the block we found a back entrance way and ran back inside dripping wet!

Playing at the playground, (photo taken by oldest child).
Once inside the sun came back out, of course. But by that time everyone was changed and no-one was willing to try again. Except Papa Bear who went down the street two or three shops and bought everyone an ice-cream. So much for getting the kids outside for a tiring walk!

Street scene just before the rain started to get very wet.
The children's personalities are beginning to emerge. The oldest likes to take photos and shows some ability that could be nurtured. He also is meant to be quiet and serious... but I don't think so!!! He laughs at his little brother's antics and likes to prove we know nothing... like how much English he understands... and the mischief his sisters can get into.

This building is a Catholic Church.
The two girls are always looking for something to do as a joke. They are very cunning especially the younger one. She has figured out that she can do whatever she likes behind the locked bathroom door. We found her and the youngest boy filling up his water bottle with liquid soap and water for drinking! Both girls are always looking for a kiss and a hug but that doesn't mean they will listen to ANYTHING we say.

Wet clothes make for a little chaos.
The youngest is always touching... especially every button he can find. Whether it is the T.V... or lights... or the washing machine... or Papa Bears computer... Getting him to slow down enough to sleep is near impossible. Although he is not hyperactive in his actions, THANKFULLY!!!

Kiwi Boy spent about 1 hour playing with his siblings at the playground.
All of the children show a higher intelligence, at least that is what we are claiming as they keep beating us at the card game, Memory.

Kiwi Boy is proving to be a natural born big brother. Sharing his things, Mumzy, and Papa Bear. And he isn't afraid to hold hands with his little sisters in public. So cool!

The children are sleeping in the living area,
perhaps this has something to do with not going to sleep!
Tomorrow is another day of hanging out as a family. Hopefully we will get a chance to get out and go exploring!


1 comment:

  1. Love the updates. Thinking and praying for you all! :-)
