Friday, 14 February 2014

No Greater Love

What is love?
Is it a thing we say,
A thing we do,
Or just a figment of our imagination?
Maybe that is all it is, something that
We can say to someone
  Just for them to say it back.
Love is something that people
spend their whole lives
 searching for.
But when people find this love
To share with others, 
It is so fleeting.
We think we have it,
And then...
It disappears on us,
Just as quickly as we found it.
Why do we even have this,
This thing that is called love.
All it does is cause our hearts to break.

Yet without this love
We could not understand
 His sacrifice.
His amazing sacrifice that changed everything.
The sacrifice of God the Father
 In giving us Jesus Christ
His one and only Son.
 We could not understand why.
Why He did this for us,
Or even what He has done. 
He has done this for us
 Even though
we are not deserving.
 Not deserving of the blessings
 He gives us.
 We can't even see
 The meaning of the pain that He feels  
When we turn our eyes from Him.
No we would be at a loss,
Unless we could feel this thing we call love.

Is this why
God gives us that one person
That we never forget?
No matter how hard we try 
They always seem to be in our thoughts.
Always there
Consuming us. 
Always being the one
That we compare everything
and everyone to.
That special someone,
That we thought only existed
in the fairy tales read to us
before bed each night.
That someone who we can truly
Have a long lasting love for,
And be able to share everything with.
 Just so that we can see
 And feel the sacrifice
 That God gave each of us?

But yet, no matter what we do,
We could never love
 To the same extent that He loves.
 His love is so big,
So daringly deep,
So wonderfully wide,
So unimaginable,
 it blows the mind 
Just to think about it.
 Just to think about the miracles
that were done in love. 
Just to think about the sacrifices
that were fulfilled by this love.
Just to scratch the surface
Of the love that is poured out on us each and every day.
It's such a awe-inspiring thing.
 For truly there is no greater love,
 Yes, no greater love could ever exist
 Because he gave it all for us.
All of it.

Thank you Lord
 For this love that is incomprehensible.
That is above and beyond
Anything else that we have ever felt before,
Or even that we could ever dream.
This love that you give,
 It is such a love
That makes all else pale
 In comparison.
Nothing can ever been seen in the same way
Because of this gift
That You have given.
 Lord your gift
 Is truly great and unbelievable.
 This love that you give
 Has no superior.
Nothing will ever
come close to what you have given.
 For truly there is no greater love, than the grace of

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Always remember who gives us the ultimate Love!
Thanks and GOD Bless


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