Thursday, 25 December 2014

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Christmas trees and change

This year Christmas looks a little different for us…

There is now 9 of us for this celebratory season which means doing presents different. This Christmas is also the first Christmas that we have had a 5 year old in 8 years!

First thing that I noticed that was different in our Christmas routine was the Christmas tree. As my dear sister Jelly Beans puts it Mummzy is our very own tree dictator. Our tree was always done to the 'T'!

Now don't get me wrong that does result in a nice tree that is all colour coordinated but it also results in a tree that is covered with breakable ornaments. In past years our Christmas tree has looked orderly and very breakable…

This year our Christmas Tree is covered in plastic and paper ornaments that will not shatter and if they do brake then there will be minimal clean up. Also, the only ‘rule’ for the construction of the tree was that you can’t have two ornaments hanging on the same branch.

 So I guess that not only has the Kids changed but so have we!

Thanks and GOD BLESS!!!!



Monday, 22 December 2014

Papa Bear & Pals

I apologize for not being all that dedicated to the blog at the moment and going for large spans without posting anything.
Hopefully over the next couple of weeks we can get all caught up on what is going on at our house.

 So for starters on the catching up...

Papa bear went to New Zealand for Business but has now returned safe and sound.  We all love having Papa Bear back in the house. Getting back into a routine isn’t always easy after having to strike it out alone for a while but I know that none of us would trade him for the world!

Thankfully nobody had to make a trip to the Emergency Room! Unfortunately it was not perfect we still did have a little trouble.

We could never make it without the help of friends; from making dinner for all 8 of us left at home, or boosting the van when it is not working, or being our taxi service when the van still doesn’t work, or coming out of their way to fix the van so that it will work!!!

 We are blessed to know people that care!!! People that help us physically and also those who pray for us! I cannot begin to thank these people for all they have done for us and for all the prayers they have said!

Thank you all and God Bless!!!



Friday, 28 November 2014

TMI Boot Camp!!!!

I was looking at the different promotional material for Teen Missions International (TMI) and I came across this Video of the Lord's Boot Camp. (The video is a bit long, so grab your cup of tea, make yourselves comfortable and enjoy!)

Boot Camp is a 2 week training period at TMI's Base in Merritt Island Florida. They say it is no pamper camp and they are not joking, there is always something to do, something to learn. But at the same time one finds the fun, and learns how to sing in the rain!!!

After Boot Camp the teams that meet there are sent off on their respective missions. Ready to embark on the adventure of a life time, one that will never happen again, in a time that will never again be experienced, and in a place that will never again be the same!

Thanks and GOD Bless!!!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Another Birthday!!!!!!

Hey WIGGLES!!!!!  

It's your birthday and we are excited!!!!!

We hope you have had an amazing 17th birthday and enjoy texting your friends on your new phone!!!!

Lots of Love,
 your family.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Happy birthday

Mummzy we all want to wish you a happy birthday!!!
Even though some days you can look like this ...

We still all love you very much because we always know that there is a beautiful smile and a big hug waiting for us just around the corner!!!!


Thanks and GOD Bless!!!

Sunday, 19 October 2014


No, we have not gone back to the hospital! (YAY)

At the church I attend (not where Papa Bear preaches) there is going to be a HUGE youth event this coming weekend (October 24-25).

There are going to be youth from multiple provinces some of whom who have never heard about who Jesus is and others who will be challenged to have a relationship with Jesus for the first time.

This is where the prayer comes in, we need people from all over the world to pray for these youth and the leaders that will be working with them.
Please pray that:
~ The youth will experience who Jesus is
~ The leaders and speakers will know how to answer the youth's questions
~That even after the event the youth will choose to live for Jesus in a tangible way

Please leave in the comments below what country you are from as there will be a large map at the event that shows the youth all the countries that will be praying for them. If you know anyone in another country than your own that can pray for this event please tell us in the comments!

It's our goal to have as many countries as possible praying for these youth!

Let's show these youth that there are brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world that care for and love them!

God Bless,
Jelly Beans




Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


This Thanksgiving there has been a common theme of thankfulness in our home. 

A thankfulness for God, Family and Friends!

It is a beautiful thing to have the kids home with us and our family together for almost five months now. Having them sooo thankful for having a family and friends is awesome.

Most of all we are thankful that they are willing and excited about claiming God as their very own!


To look at their sugar induced smiles today is enough to make you believe in the miracle of Family all over again. 

It is amazing that God is so full of love and grace that He would use us as a part of his plan. Even when we fail half the time He is always willing to give us a second chance. He has given us soo much to be thankful for!!!!

This thanksgiving I also want to say a big THANK YOU to every body who has helped us in our journey to become a family that is that little bit bigger!!!

Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!

Saturday, 4 October 2014


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Mumzy and Papa Bear for being married 22 years!! We all love you dearly! Thank you for always being there always loving and always being a shoulder to cry on. You guys might be a mess at times but that is ok because you are our mess and we love you all the more for it!!

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear Because they love each other enough to go away!
(they went away for the day)

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear because they are good!

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear because they hug me!

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear because they look after me, because they bring me to parks sometimes and because they pray for me!

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear because they are my parents they love me and care for me and because I would be in a kind of a pickle if they didn't exist!
~Kiwi Boy

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear because they care about what happens to the world around them they care about where the world is headed and want to do something to make it better for those whom they love who live here!

I love Mumzy and Papa Bear because they have given me the freedom to chose my future and they stand by my decision and always encourage me to succeed in what I have chosen!
~Jelly Beans






Thursday, 25 September 2014


This week we all managed to make our way to the dentist. Everyone was brave and opened their mouths wide on cue!

Apart from Princess who had to have a filling within days of coming home due to pain this was their first appointment.

Both Warrior and Princess had x-rays. Treasure's mouth was too small for the piece that goes in the mouth, and Buttons is just too small full stop.

After a good cleaning and polish it was deemed that Warrior and Princess have pretty good teeth requiring only a filling or two.

Buttons has awesome teeth not needing any further treatment at this time.

Unfortunately Treasure has a different story.

She has so many rotten, rotting, and rotted back teeth I don't know how she sleeps at night. She hardly ever complains about tooth ache but refuses to brush back there. I guess she still has some pain indicating they are not all dead yet.

There is evidence that something damaged her teeth enamel when they were developing around the age of two. Unfortunately she has to pay the price now.

We are waiting for a visit to the Pediatric Dentist. We don't know exactly what they may need to do to repair the damage. But at least now the process has been started.


Tuesday, 23 September 2014


Finally our children are receiving the health care they need!

This is not because we don't care about their needs. Or because Canada doesn't care about their children.

But because it has taken this long to receive the required status in Canada.

Once our adoptions were approved we brought the children home on Visitors Visas. We have had to wait for Canadian Immigration to finish processing their Permanent Residence Applications. 

This having been received in August we made a mad dash to the U.S.A boarder crossing to activate their Permanent Residence Numbers.

After that we were finally able to apply for provincial health care!

Now that we have their health cards we can begin the endless medical examinations, specialist visits, dental care, and  eye exams.

Let the fun begin!!!



Saturday, 20 September 2014

My Dad

Today I received a phone call from New Zealand to say that my Dad had a stroke in his sleep this past week. It is times like this that I realise just how far Canada is away from New Zealand!

Thankfully he is up and mobile and is functioning well mentally.

The stoke affected mainly one side and he is having difficulty with that arm and hand.

Please join me in prayer for his recovery and improved health.

May God show him a miracle!


Friday, 19 September 2014


We have been doing school for three weeks now. Everyone is settling into a routine and working hard.

In the schoolroom setting we are beginning to see how much the kids truly understand English, or as the case is most days, don't understand.

When reading to them there is not enough body language happening for them to grasp what is happening in the story. If I ask a question about what we just read all I receive as a reply are blank stares.

It doesn't help any that as soon as they see a book I will be reading from they shut down and start daydreaming or talking to each other.

Math is not much better. Sure they can count and recognise the numerals, even in English, to ten or more. But with the instructions in English they have very little idea what is being asked of them.

As for reading out loud themselves they are doing very well! Except that they want to pronounce everything the Lithuanian way. J becomes a Y, I becomes an E, etc. Some blends aren't even formable by their beautiful mouths. We have had fun spraying spit everywhere and poking out our tongues!

Art is another matter. This is what they understand! Hand them any craft materials, coloured pens, or paint and they know how to have fun. With just a little instruction and guidance they work masterpieces!

So after some revision and adjustment we are getting school achieved each day. And more importantly enjoying it!

I hope you are having a great start to your school year too. Those of you from "down under" I hope you are having a great end to your school year!

May God bless your activities,
