Monday, 25 May 2015

Bed Time Sleepyhead!

When our beautiful younger children came home it took us over two hours to get them all in bed and settled for the night.

We had chaos! Seemingly endless crying, refusals, shouting, jumping on the bed, throwing things across the room, ugliness! It was more like a carnival than bedtime.

We tried bathing... reading a quiet book... hugs... talking... but nothing seemed to calm them down.

It was bedtime so that meant terror.

After being home for about six months Buttons said, "No bombs behind eyes in Canada. Bombs in Lithuania."

The terror was bedtime itself. The inability to shut down the thoughts and memories of the past.

Now it is six months later again.

We had an awesome day yesterday. We went to a bigger church than normal which the kids enjoy but often sets Treasure into a spiral because of the overstimulation. We have learned to see the signs and remove her from all the noise for a while. She did well yesterday.

Then we had a fun evening with friends at their farm with a BBQ and bonfire. There were teens and young adults chatting, playing soccer, and jumping on the tramp. The kids were hyped-up and scattered everywhere!

Buttons had a meltdown. I had no idea how I was going to get them settled and into bed by myself. Jelly Beans and Wiggles were staying longer to hang with friends and Papa Bear is away.

When it was time to leave the kids  slowly made their way to the bus. They calmed themselves down on the short drive home.

At home they brushed their teeth in an orderly fashion, put on their pj's, and climbed into bed quietly. After a hug and a prayer they went to sleep.

No arguments, no shouting, no fuss!

This is what family does for these hurting lonely children. It is amazing to see the way Jesus heals their hearts through His love and our hands and feet.

May all praise belong to God the Father who first loved us!


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

We Did It!!!

A year ago yesterday
 our waiting in an ex-soviet apartment building
 finally came to an end

We had been
 waiting for

Waiting to see
 if the four children under our care
were going to have to go
 back to life
 as orphans

We had had them for only
 one week and a day

 very hard

We had been waiting
for them in particular
 for four
extremely busy
long months

Wanting to adopt
 for twenty years

Waiting for God
 to say
 it was time

Time to grow our family
Time to love some more kids
Time to take them in our arms and into our hearts
Time to call them orphans no more
Time to give them the honour of being called
 Sons and Daughters

A year ago
 a judge decreed
 that these children
 could have
 a forever family

We could become...


Sunday, 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!!

This morning I was awakened,
 to the dreaded sound of someone vomiting.
It was then that I was reminded,
I was a Mother!
I hope you are having a wonderful day,
 with laughter and joy for you background music!!!