Monday, 23 March 2015

Double Digits

In the American Heritage Student Dictionary it says this:

TEN:  1. The number, written 10, that is equal to 9+1.
2. The tenth in a set or sequence.
3. A ten dollar bill
                          -ten adj. & pron.     
But to our family today 10 means so much more than just a number, more than just a symbol in a line of ongoing symbols. It is so much more!
To us today it is a reminder that our darling Princess is getting older. That she is forever going to be ours as we grow and mature as a family. It is a reminder that she is half way to 20!!!!! (Scary stuff) That even though we couldn't be there for nine other birthdays that we can help her heal NOW. That we can help her be the best she can be!
What happens in the past does not define us but rather shapes the way that we grow. It shapes how we live, love, and learn. We pray today that that shaping will be directed by God's hand rather than our own. That no matter what labels are used, that no matter what ways people look at us, and what thoughts they think GOD CAN use the broken. He CAN find the lost!! 
So on this special day I want to wish my little sister a big HAPPY BIRTHDDAY!!!! And a reminder that GOD can use us no matter what as long as we have a heart that is willing and open to Him!
Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!


Thursday, 12 March 2015


Happy Birthday Papa Bear!
It is also our 5th anniversary of coming to Canada.
Back in New Zealand we committed to living in Canada for a minimum of five years. Five years to work through the culture shock. Five years to make good friends and settle into normal life (whatever that means?). Five years to stop being homesick for New Zealand. Five years to learn to love the people and the places.
And now our time is up.
So what is next?
 Only God knows.
 Papa Bear is still completing his Masters in Theology. (Not something that ever crossed our minds in New Zealand; he had and still has a finance business.) Whatever God has in His plans for us we know we are not finished here yet.
Where will we be in another five years? We could be anywhere.
The whole world is God's foot stool!



Sunday, 8 March 2015

How Time Flys!

Ten months ago I held my little boy in my arms for the first time...
Today he turned 11 years old...
How can that be...

Friday, 6 March 2015

Add a few to the list

So I just read the list that my darling sister posted and well I have a few to add of my own (with a little help from Kiwi Boy).....

1. When it says that meltdowns come with injuries... they DON'T mean the kid.

2. Because your kids with different disorders can NOT comprehend the other HAS needs!

3. No matter how perfect we are we can NEVER match the fantasy.

4. That normal childhood issues are blown WAY out of proportion!!!!!!!!!!!

5. That every one says that your kids are sooo sweet and innocent but really they are in full MANIPULATIVE mode.

6. That on top of ALL of this you have to teach Sunday School cause NO ONE else will teach your kids );

Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!

Cool post

Update: you need to copy and paste the link (sorry).
Update: I think I got it you should just be able to click on the link

Here is a cool post post I found:

I hope you like it!
Jelly Beans