Thursday, 31 October 2013

...I will seek the lost...

In the third session of the youth conference I went to the speaker spoke about how we need to be searching sinners, and how the Lord will save us because He is a seeking Saviour!

Since we all sin there is no hope, right? We should just keep doing all the things that we already do, and just go with it because we can't change enough to be able not to sin.


We do have hope! What we must do is become a SEARCHING SINNER and the SEEKING SAVIOUR will come and save our rear ends from the fire of hell!

However, we will not be saved if we don't cry out to GOD! He wants to save us but He gave us a free will so we can choose Him or not.

I implore you to seek GOD'S saving LOVE! He wants to save us, we just have to let Him!!!

After all the Bible says in John14:6 that Jesus said, "...I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." Jesus didn't come for nothing. He came to open up the doors that we need to go through. He has truly saved us!!! 

In Ezekiel 34:16 we find a promise that God made to His children. A promise of salvation. And it says this, "I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with judgement." At the end of the verse it is reminding us that we need to be seeking GOD'S SALVATION. Although we might think that we can make it on our own, in reality it just isn't possible!

See money and possessions may seem to rescue us from the trials of this world but this world is only a small fraction of the eternal.

Things will never truly bless us with the SAVING GRACE that we need! It is no use holding on to material possessions because they are fleeting.

In Matthew 6:19-20 it says this, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves do not break in or steal;"

Why do we store up valuables on earth where we know that they are going to slowly disintegrate, and yet we are so reluctant to do the works that store up treasures in heaven where they will never fade away?

In closing I implore each one of us to SEARCH for our SAVIOUR who is SEEKING US out!!!!

Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

....war as the world does....

In the second session of the Youth conference I went to, the speaker talked about how we need to change our perspective, and how no matter what, we still have value!

We have value in GOD's eyes no matter what we have done! It's like money, no matter where it has been, no matter if it is crumpled, or even if it is stomped on, the value will still be the same as it was before all that happened to it! And it is the same way with people. We have the same value in GOD's eyes as we always had, today, yesterday, and forever!!

GOD loves us no matter what, and yet the church is constantly judging people. We are failing (in my opinion) to be a place of compassion. We are supposed to show GOD's love to this lost world that we live in!

It is our job to shine His love into the darkness of the world!!!! In Matthew 5:14 it says, "You are the light of the world." We are changed through His saving Love and Grace and Compassion and Mercy! It is because of this change that we can shine GOD's Saving Love every where we go.

What are we doing in this time of need in this Battle of Life and Death on an eternal level?

This is the kind of battle that when we are not fighting we are helping the opposition. The opposition is satan and to be honest with you, I don't want to be helping him out!

GOD's word tells us that the battle we are waging "is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12) 

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 it says that "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have Divine power to demolish strongholds."

God has given us the ability to be the best soldiers   for this war that anybody could ask for. He made it as easy as pie to be those soldiers all that we must do is to let Him use us as He deems.... And have the faith of a stubborn mule! 

We all have value in GOD's eyes and He has given all of us a purpose in His mighty plan. But we can not fight the battle in our own strength and on our own terms. No, we must let Him use us to our full potential. The potential He gifted us with when we first believed in Him.  

Thanks and GOD Bless!!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

....the words of my mouth.....

As you might have noticed I have not posted in a while. I have spent my weekend at a youth conference, which was absolutely awesome!!!!! The conference had three sessions so I will write three posts. Here is the first one.

On the first day everybody arrived and we all had the privilege to worship with the band and then hear the speaker do his thing.

That night he spoke about how our words are powerful, and how we need to be brave and get up and go to Jesus. Because He will stop and make time for us!! 

Real talk, he said...... REAL TALK .......

Why don't we use real talk?

I mean how many people are honest enough to tell you that they have done things that they shouldn't have, even when it means the consequences are painful?

How many people think of what they are saying before they say it?

How many people with all honesty can tell you that they have never 'joked' at someone else's expense, never called someone a name, never lied or bent the truth?

How many of those people are there out in the world? I mean really? I know that I am not one of them! Are you? Do you think before you speak?

I know that for me that is something that only GOD can truly change.

I know that it is important for us to think before we say, but also when we do stuff up realise what we have said and try to remedy the wrongs that we have caused. After all words are powerful.

God created the world by just saying, "Let there be.......". Our words have power and we need to make sure that we watch what we say. In Psalm 19:14 it says, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight , Oh LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

So I would like to challenge you, as well as myself, to watch what we say and get a 'checkup from the neck up'. Let Jesus come on in and change what we say, and even what we think.

Thanks and GOD Bless!!!


Monday, 28 October 2013

Driver's Test


Driving the dodge van

I am soooo happy that driving lessons are over!

They weren't bad but it's good to finish something!

The keys are mine to wield!!!

 I also had my drivers test...  it went alright.  

Now I'm ready for the open road!

I passed so that's what counts!!!!

Jelly Beans

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Party Time!

Little Monkey had her 1st Birthday Party today. There were friends, food, gifts, more friends, some more food, balloons, cake, and even more friends. And lots of girly pink!

I am so excited about watching her grow over the next year.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Happy Birthday!

We have had the wonderful blessing of sharing the very first year of Little Monkey's life, and today she turns one.

Happy 1st Birthday Little Monkey!


Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Psalm 127:3
God bless, Mumzy


Thursday, 24 October 2013


Today I thought that it would be a great day to share with you my four favourite words:





Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Animals I Adore

We have 2 cats, 2 dogs, 31 chickens, and about 30 fish to love and care for right now. Over the years we have had many different pets and animals.

They remind me to love and cherish the good times. As well as to take a breath and reach out with unconditional love during the tough days.

Enjoy our animal parade past and present!




The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;                     Psalm 24v1
Take time to cherish your animal friends today. I promise a smile will brighten to your face.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Army Cadet

Tonight we received an urgent call.......
From the ARMY CADET........
He didn't know how to sew his badge to his uniform!

Before I know it Mumzy and I grab an arm each and sew for the next 1 1/2 hours!

Sore fingers and a few twisted threads later.......                                        
We have a smart uniform and a handsome young man!
Army Cadet, Kiwi Boy's friend
Have fun at Cadets tomorrow night Army Cadet!  

Thanks and GOD Bless!!!

Monday, 21 October 2013


He stood there crouching
In an intensive gaze
Trapping all those
Who looked in his eyes
He was ready to pounce
Of his lonely prey
Seizing it with one
Foul swoop of his hand
He has captured you
You now are
In the clasp of  the painful
Demise of the body
He has your soul
In his hateful
World that is full
Of sin and agony

Your Rescuer has come
You from all that pain
Which was causing the joy 
of life to leave you
He sacrificed himself
Through His loss
Through His pain
You were rescued
Your life saved
Is no more
You have all you
Need to prosper
You prospered but
Is not without giving
Yet it is worth the giving
To receive Salvation


Your life might be hard at times but remember your rescuer has come to save you! The Bible says in Psalm 140v1, "Rescue me O LORD."

In 1Timothy 4v10 that call is answered, "We have put our hope in the living GOD, who is the Savior of all men."

And in John 14v6 we find that Jesus is "The way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

We are Rescued by GOD through Jesus His Son. We couldn't ask for a more loving gift than that! For GOD is truly "The Savior of all men"!
Thanks and GOD Bless!!!!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

1st Varsity Comp!

I would love to swim in this lake it looks so beautiful!
I have been racing at the competitive level in swimming ever since I was about 7 1/2 years old and I really love it. I am so glad that I am able to compete with my Varsity team! We had a great meet this weekend and are geared up for the next one in two weeks!

The men's team came second and the women's team came fourth. I was in two of the relays on the women's side, we came fourth in both. It is truly a wonderful experience being on a team and helping them to go fast and race well.

I also came fourth in the 200 butterfly with a time of 2:43.12. It was a slow time but not bad none-the-less. I came 12th in the 50 backstroke, 18th in the 200 freestyle (nasty race, but what can you do?) 20th in the 50 freestyle and 13th in the 100 individual medley. This really surprised me because my breaststroke is soooooo awful it is amazing I go anywhere! :)

Overall I am very pleased with my results from the first meet of the season, and with how well our team went. I had a great room mate and the five hour bus ride wasn't that bad (honest!).

With Love,
Jelly Beans

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Fun at the Food Bank!

This morning we went to the local Food Bank with 35 others and helped sort food that had been donated by our local area schools.
Between 40 and 80 families use the Food Bank each week.
Hopefully there will be less hungry tummies over the next few weeks!
Everyone arrived eager to help.

We started with a room lined with donations.

And quickly got to work!

Sorting like items into boxes.

And onto shelves.

When we were finished we had a little lesson on how the Food Bank worked.

Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?"
The King will reply," I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:37, 40
Let's all support our local Food Banks more and hand out blessings in Christ's name.